Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Fortunate Fifty, My Personalized Health Program


I am so excited about this new program!!! 50 people committed to learning how to reach perfected states of excellent health will get to work directly with me!!! Some on a weekly basis... Some on a monthly basis.

Those who enroll in the weekly program will receive The Mentorship Program in Naturopathic Medicine. I will lead you in a one, two or three year program and you will graduate Certified as an HHP, Holistic Health Practitioner. Two years is the Advanced Certification and the 3 year program is the Masters Certification... Upon completion you will automatically be enrolled as an active member of the American Holistic Medical Association and receive a nice diploma from an organization which is the largest body of Medical and Alternative Health Professionals in this country. They are rapidly changing medicine and health in America for the better. You will be invited to take continuing education courses given by the AHMA and attend all professional Medical Conference's... You will even be permitted to submit your own research to their Peer Reviewed Natural Medical Journal.
Those of you who want to work on a once a month basis with me directly, will be more interested and committed to a personal program which will result is extremely powerful states of perfected health. I will be creating a personalized diet, nutrition, biofeedback, meditation, cutting edge Nutraceutical program... and also offer you the full 35 years of my research in cellular regeneration and Bio-Identical Hormone Optimization Protocol. You will receive weekly emails from me and special updates on an ongoing basis. You will have access to buying all your supplements and Nutraceuticals directly from the best Bio-technology companies in the world...The ones I have personally endorsed as having met the very highest standards in the world. You will be exposed to things folks only read about in scientific journals. If a new bio-medicinal supplement is both safe and effective to my exacting specifications you will be offered every advanced scientific and holistic opportunity that I myself have at my disposal. This will include several conference calls a year given by me and natural medical scientists who have proven their greatness...some even in the pool who get nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine/Science. I have many different plans for just about every budget.... your being one of the 50 will depend on just 2 crucial factors. You Must have a 100% commitment to you becoming exceptionally healthy for life. Secondly, there most certainly is somewhat of a first come first serve basis if I determine 100% commitment is present.
Interested? Call 760-481-8800

Thursday, March 11, 2010


By Lawrence Sosna N.D. PhD HHP
Call Dr. Lawrence Sosna at 760-481-8800 or email at
Most people have NOT heard about glycation or methylation, because to balance these bodily functions, you need unique supplements that are not found in your daily multi-vitamins. I pledge to bring you life enhancing knowledge and the best Supplements from real certified Bio-Technology companies that only specialize in Nutritional Supplements and have the best staff of PhD’s who I have personally interviewed to establish their level of expertise
Glycation can be even more hazardous to your health than free radicals. Glycation is a complex process, but in essence, it causes interference in your body's ability to obtain the amino acids it needs from the protein-rich foods in your diet.
During digestion, protein-rich foods are broken down into smaller molecules called amino acids. The body then uses the amino acids to form new types of proteins needed to create cells, tendons, ligaments fibers, cartilage, joints and bones. When substances causing glycation, which are mainly sugars and simple carbohydrates, disrupt this process, then the construction of new cells slows way down and cell repair and regeneration is greatly reduced!.The end result is muscle weakness, pain, tiredness and through time chronic disease. Just as antioxidants can act as a counterbalance to free radicals, an amino acid complex called L- Carnosine Plus, can prevent glycation. As an added bonus, Carnosine Plus is an effective anti-aging treatment.
Methylation is complex biochemical process that is roughly the reverse of glycation. Methylation is vital to life and it must be operating at optimal levels, or serious health problems like heart disease, depression, high cholesterol and liver disease may develop. While we want to inhibit glycation, we want to encourage methylation, which normally slows down as we age. Methylation does not always occur at optimal levels, due to malnourishment or disease. The body needs the B-vitamins, Tri-Methyl-Glycine (TMG), folic acid and a unique nutrient known as SAM-e to restore any imbalances in methylation caused by aging and disease. Sam-e is very important to the methylation process. You will see SAM-e supplements sold in drugstores alongside your multi-vitamins. They are often recommended as natural anti-depressants, but they are hardly ever effective for two reasons. B-vitamins must be present in adequate amounts or the body cannot use it. An enteric coating must be included on the tablet or the stomach acid will negatively affect the body's ability to absorb it.
Enteric Coating
The enteric coating is a critical element in any supplement containing Sam-e, because it will allow the supplement to pass through the stomach acid and into the small intestine where it can be efficiently broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream.
Your daily multi-vitamin probably contains B-vitamins and some antioxidants, but it is unlikely to have an enteric coating because it is expensive to add. Most vitamin manufacturers also leave out the most natural antioxidants like: flavonoids, turmeric, alpha lipoic acid, resveratrol, glutathione, carnosine, SAM-e and TMG.
The importance of ingredients like SAM-e, carnosine, resveratrol and TMG are not well advertised, because they are expensive substances which most vitamin manufacturers don't use to cut costs. There is a pharmaceutical company about to release a line of resveratrol supplements, but they are calling them prescription drugs. Many people who follow research studies on unique nutritional supplements have been taking resveratrol for years and will continue to do so without paying the prices that pharmaceutical companies charge.
Synthetic or Natural?
The problem with your typical multi-vitamin (other than a lack of the right ingredients and an enteric coating to protect those that are sensitive to stomach acid) is that most manufacturers use synthetic vitamins in place of natural substances. Synthetic vitamins are "similar" to those found in nature, but they are not "identical" and do not provide the same health benefits because they are more difficult for the body to absorb. There is an excellent example in recent studies done on vitamin E. There are many studies showing the health benefits of vitamin E. It is good for cell & tissue repair, for improved circulation, for the prevention of free radical damage, to reduce inflammation and the risk of cancer. But when these same researchers attempted to duplicate the results with a synthetic form of vitamin E, it did not provide the same health benefits. They found that synthetic vitamin E may actually be bad for your health because it is derived from petrochemicals. The point is that most vitamin companies do not use the correct (natural) form of a nutrient and they do not use the correct delivery system, which is almost always a tablet with an enteric coating. Here is the good news. Through years of research and sheer determination to find a product that would provide everything mentioned above, I have found one nutritional supplement providing everything we have discussed.To get every nutrient we have discussed above as well as the following nutrients listed below: Call Dr. Lawrence Sosna at 760-481-8800 or email at
· Vitamin D
· Minerals, including magnesium, calcium, zinc and potassium
· Trace elements, including molybdenum and iodine
· Carotenoids, (A-vitamins in vegetable forms)
· Enzymes, including lipase and amylase and protease(breaks down fats, sugars and proteins)
· Other amino acids, including, lysine, arginine, taurine and proline
· Herbal extracts including ginkgo biloba and green tea

Call Dr. Lawrence Sosna at 760-481-8800 or email at

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Four Foundations to Perfect Health

In this on going course we will delve deeply into Mastering the Four Foundations to Perfect Health!
Physical Perfections to Health
Mental Clarifications to Perfect Health
Emotional Growth to Perfect Health
Spiritual Deepening, Increasing Your Capacity to Love leads to Perfect Health
Most people think about good health in terms of being physically healthy and on a very surface level that seems true. Yet we all know people in our lives or have heard about people who have become so emotionally traumatized they became physically ill.
So good health is maintaining a healthy balance between our Physical body and our Mental body so to speak. It is creating a healthy balance between our Mental life and our Emotional life. The quality of our thoughts determines our Mental Health. The ease and flow of our feelings in large part determines our Emotional health...pent them up and block them off long enough and an emotional embalance will become so great as to tilt over the whole apple cart.
The ability to experience love and joy and to share love and joy with others determines Spiritual Health.
So, for once lets not start with Physical Health, Let us focus first this time on Spiritual Health, then Emotional Health, then Mental Health and finally we will end this conversation about perfected states of excellent health with Physical Health.
Every spiritual tradition has its own way of describing the above 4 Foundations to a healthy, abundantly joyful and physically vital life. From Christianity to Taoism, Zen to Judaism, Islam to Zohar, Buddhism to Shintoism, all these great spiritual teachings transcend the secular. They all speak to a higher and greater source from which all is created, all is sustained, and all eventually in time decay and are transformed from the decaying of all of the constituent parts back to the creational force which then starts again in a never ending cycle of creation, sustainer of that which has been created to its eventual transformation as a new kind of creation once again.
Or more simply put the cycle of Birth, Death, and Rebirth must be looked at and understood in the light of a deeper wisdom if we are to take away something very useful to help us be well in our daily life.
The universal path I refer to is spoken about in all the rich diversity that great minds can communicate. Some of these universal experiences common to all human kind are: paths to love and joy, fear, laboring, suffering, knowledge, ignorance, fun, thirst, hunger and laughter to name just a few. I would say we as humans no matter how different our cultures have much more in common then anything which sets us apart.
It is this human commonality we all have with one another which allows us to all feel happy when we see a picture on T.V. of a complete strangers wedding. When we see the love and joy of the new bride and groom, even if they are from a far off land.... we still can feel some happy feelings from their joy.
It is that magical feeling all Americans had on 9/11 of being united in grief as ONE family of Americans, feeling the horror and the pain of families stricken down even though we may not have known any of them personally. The incredible acts of kindness we all wanted to share.... to do something to help the other.... give blood or make a donation... we all wanted to just be able to help and reach out to those who suffered the most.
In my 57 years on this planet that day and in the ensuing days to was a clear and tangible example of the power of our connection to each other through our spirit we were connected in a moment of oneness through our joined spirits. It was in fact, one of the most Spiritually significant periods in American history... and it demonstrates the healing power of the spirit as we all felt spiritually connected to each other, one spirit to another. We were gentle with each other, we were being kind to one another, as we all connected to the real shared human feelings that we all have, which made a country wide statement " I am Vulnerable" We all felt it from one another without any words needed spoken and we all felt a certain added love & respect for one another right after 9/11
Today we look at the power of Spiritual Transformation in our lives as a catalyst to help us enter into more perfected states of Excellent good Health. Central to virtually all spiritual traditions, is the idea that each person has the ability to grow in holding more love and joy and the enhanced ability of extending that love and joy to others, would be an example of Spiritual Growth and Good Health.
Keep coming back as this is a course which really never ends. Many guest contributors will add to this body of knowledge leading to perfected states of excellent good health.
Many Blessings in perfect health, Dr. Larry

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Whole foods versus Supplements

Whole Natural Foods versus Supplements and Nutraceuticals

There has long been a raging debate in the natural health care profession concerning the issue of whether a person should get all their nutritional needs from Whole Foods or is it ok to take highly dense and specific nutrient supplementation?

I love listening to experts in this debate... I get to hear and discern the opinion of nutritional PhD plant based medicinal biochemists and PhD’s liked me, as well as the opinion and Wisdom of Traditional doctors of Naturopathy, again like me. I love to listen to my peers. In the end you will have to decide for yourself what you feel and come to know is best for you.
I am always being told by various factions that my two areas of some 30 plus years of expertise in natural medicine and science do not mesh, and you know what, sometimes they don’t, but far more often they do mesh very elegantly.

A hundred years ago, I would say all you need to do is eat lots of whole raw foods and drink plenty of water, get some moderate sunshine so your body can make Vitamin D and you should live a long and healthy life. The proof that I would be correct is that folks from that time like my grandmother grew up on a farm and had access to plenty of raw foods lived to be 100 old. If we look deeply into this subject we will find that people who lived on farms a 100 years ago and folks who lived near farms and could buy their foods directly from very local farms, lived long and healthy lives.
When my grandmother was growing up she drank fresh raw milk every day. Raw milk contains billions of antibodies that protect you from all sorts of illness, but it is very hard to drink raw milk today because the government in all its wisdom has made it illegal. However if you would like to get the massive health benefits found in mother’s milk and all the immunity it provides for babies and very young children..
Read my article on Non Denatured Whey called “Whey Facts and Applications”

A hundred years ago farm lands were rich in top soil and contained all the micronutrients like selenium; perhaps the most cancer preventing agent ever discovered; but unfortunately that was a very long time ago. Today all the farms are owned by massive corporations and farming is now both mechanized and assembly line industries. There are no micronutrients left in the soil anymore, they have all been leached out by the methods of modern day over farming of the land. Everything has been sprayed with synthetic chemical herbicides and pesticides so as to glean maximum yield. Even the Macro minerals are missing from the soil in most cases so that we now have the richest country on earth, but we have an entire population of people with nutritional deficiencies; one would expect to find in a very third world country. Ironic is it not? It is also a tragic situation that we can, in just one state Iowa, produce enough protein (Soy) to meet the world’s needs for protein 3 times over, but our food is so overly processed and tainted with all kinds of toxic additives, that we cannot meet our own nutritional needs for excellent health in the USA. In fact just the opposite is true, the foods we are eating as Americans lead to the highest rates of cancer and heart disease in the world. We have more blooming adult onset cases of diabetes in younger and younger people then any country in the world. We are fast becoming so ill and disease ridden that the largest growing industry has virtually every citizen over the age of 30 on some kind of medication. Pills, from the big Pharmaceutical companies accounts for roughly 1.3 trillion dollars a year in sales in the USA alone...that is not counting their income from the export of their drugs to all the other countries of the world, so long as they have a corporate headquarters in Puerto Rico they do not have to report their world wide income, an arrangement made possible by the Rockefeller family and several of the other wealthiest families in America just after WW2.

There is a sector of the economy in the USA which is growing even faster than the big Pharmaceutical companies which is the Natural Health food and Nutrient, Nutraceutical industry. I wonder why?
Because people are smart! They do not like all of the miserable, dangerous side effects of medication and in mass driven waves, they are turning to Alternative Health, including supplementation. Food and nutritional supplements are today growing at a speed which is much faster than the drug industry. Why? Once again the common folk are smart, they do not like the way drugs make them feel, very nasty side effects, they wish to be rid of. They get on the great equalizer...the internet, go to a search engine and find real workable alternatives, they find safe and effective ways of regaining their god given right to good health.... they become self empowered and learn about whole foods, the biochemistry magic of plant based nutrient dense food supplements and most of all they love to do a friend the kind favour of spreading the word.
If we cannot get our nutritional needs met as a population through food then the only logical thing to do is take dietary supplements and eat the best you can. Eat as much organic produce, fish and meat as you can afford, it is very expensive and it is worth it. I know it’s almost impossible for the whole population of America to eat organic so try this strategy. The thing you know you are going to eat every day like milk in your cereal, including your cereal itself should be bought organic. I eat an organic breakfast every day. I know I cannot get all the nutrition I need from commercial foods so I take many excellent supplements.

I take a fantastic Multi-Vitamin, Mineral, and Anti-Oxidant formula every day made by a real Bio-Technology company which only specializes in nutritional and Nutraceutical supplements.
With both ISO 9001 and ISO 17025 Lab. Certification they are my number one choice in the world for purity and potency and integrity in how they make their supplements. They have over 1000 separate supplement formulations so I almost have after 30 plus years in this field a one stop shop that I can always Trust. I use no more than 7 companies for my particular needs and I will be naming them and showing you how to purchase from them soon.

The other reason for Supplementation is if you are in the care of a true expert in this field, you can have a custom made program of Nutritional and Nutraceutical supplements to protect your cells and your body from diseases caused by all of the toxins in our foods and in the air and soil. The toxic level of environmental pollutants on land and sea is so high that one needs to know how to deactivate them with proper supplements made from all natural sources...which means bio-medicinal plant based supplements.
Much more on this subject will be coming to you in the days and weeks ahead so keep coming back to the place where NATURAL HEALTH WISDOM is the difference which makes all the difference.

All my best, Doc Larry at

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Whey Facts and Applications

Whey Protein Facts and Applications
Dr. Lawrence Sosna

The word Protein means “first substance”. Our first protein food was found in our mother’s milk. Milk is the only food designed specifically to optimally sustain the life of a mammal. In fact, the root word for nutrition means to suckle. As a species, we would not have survived if not for the nutrition and protection mother’s milk offers.

Now for the first time, you can get the same full value, protection and super health empowerments of concentrated live mother’s milk only better!

Whey is one of the two protein groups found in milk. It is a liquid complex consisting of a wide range of proteins. The other protein group is casein, which curds are made from and then processed into cheese.

Whey is an original complete protein food and is considered number one for building and regenerating our bodies and maintaining a strong immune system. Our entire metabolic process relies on the intake of complete protein. We cycle proteins into amino acids constantly.

Hippocrates, the Greek physician of the 5th century B.C., the “father of medicine”, stated that the body has an inner adaptive or healing power. To strengthen this healing power, he prescribed serum (liquid whey) to his patients. It was true non-denatured, native whey. It provided full biological activity and numerous health benefits. All commercial whey proteins available now are derived from extensively processed milk and incomparable to the vitality in that 2500 year-old prescription.

It is appropriate to review some important definitions of terms used:
Native Protein: The naturally occurring conformation of a protein. Unaltered by heat, chemicals, enzyme action or processing. (Native is the same structure and proportion as in the original substance.)
Denatured: To cause the tertiary structure of (a protein) to unfold, as with heat, alkali, or acid, so that some of its original properties, especially its biological activity, are diminished or eliminated. (It means damaged or ruined.)
Undenatured: To undamage. (A term that is used without discretion in the industry and is misleading. It is not possible for a protein to be Undenatured. Once the tertiary structure of a protein has be damaged, degraded or destroyed it can never be brought back to its original non-denatured, fully bio-active state. The word undenatured has no place at all in biochemisty, it’s use is simply an attempt to trick the public into thinking that Undenatured Whey Protein is the same as Non-Denatured Whey Protein. Once a protein has been Denatured (Damaged) it is impossible to Undenature the same protein or to Un-damage it, so buyer beware)
Non-denatured: The same structure and proportion as in the original substance with full biological activity. (Never damaged.)
Presently, the various commercial methods of processing whey do not improve or even maintain the fragile immune modulating and regenerative components or the biological activity that was originally in the milk. They all originate from the manufacturing of cheese and are by-products.
There are three commercial production methods, which comprise the majority of available whey proteins. They are isolates (the most popular), ion-exchange and hydrolyzed forms. They are all ultra filtered, cross-flow filtered or micro filtered via elaborate patented methods developed by large dairies. The milk used in these three methods undergoes major processing that involves high heat (163 degrees F) and drastic acidification of the whey to produce curds for manufacturing cheese. These steps denature (damage) the proteins. What is then required is extensive filtration to remove the many denatured proteins in order to produce the highest percentage of protein. Unfortunately the fragile vital protein components, which determine the biological activity of the protein, are not retained. The terms undenatured and cold-process are prevalent with these commercial products, but once a protein is denatured it is not possible to undenature it.
The key point in regard to the quality and effectiveness of whey is that the full range of biological activity and proportion of the protein components be preserved in their original native form as nature provided. Only whey that is not involved in cheese manufacture can achieve that goal. Additionally, the health of the milking cows and quality of the milk is the foundation of this type of product.
Non-denatured whey protein has the highest biological value of any protein. It is a complete protein, unlike soy, and provides all the essential amino acids in the correct balance. The five major active proteins of whey are lactoferrin, immunoglobulins, bovine serum albumin, alpha-lactalbumin and beta-lactoglobulin. There are many whey products available; therefore it is highly advisable to have in writing from the manufacturer, the treatment of the cows, the entire processing the milk undergoes and if cheese is part of the original production. Also request a written laboratory analysis that lists the percentage values for each individual protein. The SDS PAGE Gel method is the industry standard for determining the actual biological activity of a protein. An analysis that groups two or more proteins together with a percentage number is very questionable and worthless to a discriminating professional or consumer.
Covalent Bonded Cysteine (the non-denatured form), is the critical amino acid required for the all-important intracellular production of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH). Glutathione is our body’s master antioxidant and is responsible for numerous defence and repair functions and is an effective anti-aging substance. Glutathione is best utilized when we produce it internally. Cysteine is very scarce in our modern diet and therefore glutathione production is limited and deficiency is prevalent. If cysteine undergoes any heating or processing, as all commercial whey products do, it is denatured and converted to cystine. Covalent-bonded cysteine, active peptides, anabolic growth factors and enzymes are also present in non-denatured native whey, as there is no processing to denature them.
The public is now becoming more aware of the value of quality protein and is choosing whey protein for many good reasons. Not only does non-denatured whey have a wide range of immune-enhancing properties, it also has the ability to act as an antioxidant, antihypertensive, antitumor, antiviral and antibacterial. A number of clinical trials have successfully been performed using whey as an antimicrobial agent and in the treatment of cancer, HIV, hepatitis B & C, cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. It has a major role in red blood cell production, support in chemotherapy treatment, safe binding and detoxification of heavy metals, wound healing, growth of new muscle, weight regulation and the support of numerous immune functions. It is used by populations that have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Hepatitis, Cancer, HIV/AIDS, Respiratory disease, cognitive disorder from nutritional compromise and for any sports performance improvement.
Dr. Lawrence Sosna Graduated first in his class from the Fairfield College of Myopractics Massage Therapy and Allied Therapies. He is a N.D. and has a PhD in Myology with an emphasis in Orthomolecular Biochemistry. He Graduated with another Naturopathic degree from the NHI. Lawrence strictly practices Integrative Medicine - his research field being Cellular Regeneration, Anti-Aging and Bio-Identical comprehensive hormone replacement therapy. Dr. Sosna lectures on these topics at symposiums all over the world. Most satisfying of all Dr. Sosna has been teaching regular Medical Doctors who are open minded, how to integrate Naturopathic Medicine into their practice.
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Marshall David Jr., O.D., Ph.D. WHEY PROTEIN REPORT - Review of Various Whey Protein. Current Concepts on Whey Protein Usage.
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Friday, March 5, 2010

N.D. and M.D. A Powerful new Alliance

Anti-Aging for your Parents and Yourself, a New Powerful Trend Emerges, the M.D. N.D. Medical Office

Jennine Cabanellas M.D. Lawrence Sosna N.D.

The two doctors above are giving patients a whole new level of choice and care which is making them all very happy. The medical office of the future will have an expert in allopathic medicine and an expert naturopathic medicine and will provide the best of both worlds. The article below is an indication of the higher level of care provided in the office of the future, which we make available today.

People caring for aging parents or just thinking about it realize that keeping them healthy, happy and active for as long as possible is ideal for everyone. Aging parents seldom want to become physically dependent on their children for care. Grown children, often referred to as the sandwich generation, find it difficult to provide quality care for aging parents while providing quality care for their own children at the same time. Recent studies have highlighted that multiple hormone deficiencies compromise the quality of life for older men and women, and are predictors of the heart failure and frailty that lead to loss of independence. These studies underscore the critical need for bio identical hormone replacement to assure that aging parents can make the best of their golden years and maintain their independence for as long as possible. Mike Adams...The Health Ranger

Women with multiple hormonal deficiencies are highly likely to be frail. Most studies involving hormone deficiency and aging have focused on the relationship between individual hormones and specific age-associated disease. In a recently released study, scientists at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine investigated the possibility that frailty would mostly likely manifest in the presence of deficits in multiple hormones.
They studied the relationships of serum levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), DHEAS, and unbound testosterone with frailty status in aging women.The study used 494 women aged 70 to 79 years who were enrolled in the Women's Health and Aging Studies I or II. Scientists calculated the odds of frailty for deficiency of each hormone, which they defined as the bottom quartile of hormone level. They found that for each hormone, those with a deficiency were more likely to be frail than those without a deficiency. Compared with women who showed no hormonal deficiencies, those with one deficiency were somewhat more likely to be frail. However, those women with two or three deficiencies had a very high likelihood of being frail. The odds ratio for frailty for these women was 2.79, meaning that women who were deficient in more than one hormone had almost a 3 times greater risk of being frail than women who were not hormonally deficient.The scientists concluded that the absolute burden of hormonal deficiencies in the bodies of aging women was a stronger predictor of frailty status than the type of hormonal deficiency. They found the relationship to be exponential, and suggestive of generalized endocrine dysfunction in the frailty syndrome. This study may be found in the January 31 edition of Journals of Gerontology Series a Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences.People diagnosed as frail lose the ability to care for themselves and live independentlyFrailty is characterized by unexplained weight loss, exhaustion, weak grip, slow walking speed, and generalized low energy levels. Women who are frail are the most vulnerable, most at risk for disability or death, and are the highest users of medical care. In a nationwide study of 5,000 older adults, those who were frail were found to be six times more likely to die than those who were not over a three-year period, and more than three times more likely to die over a seven-year period. After seven years, 43 percent of those who were frail had died, compared to 23 percent of those who were classified as intermediate, and 12 percent of those who were robust.A diagnosis of frailty is made based on symptoms such as shrinking (unintentional weight loss of at least 10 pounds or 5 percent of body weight compared to a year ago), weakness (grip strength in the lowest 20th percentile), poor endurance and energy (self-reported exhaustion), slowness (the most time it takes to walk 15 feet), and low physical activity level (the lowest 20 percent in physical activity compared to others).Frail women have a very high incidence of osteoporosis. They are the most likely group to suffer falls that result in broken bones, and may even suffer broken bones without a fall. Frail women and men are the highest users of disease establishment services and are the most likely to be admitted to nursing homes.Men with multiple hormonal deficiencies are more than twice as likely to dieAging in men is also characterized by progressive decline in levels of hormones such as testosterone, IGF-1, and DHEAS. In a study at the National Institute on Aging, scientists investigated whether deficiencies in these hormones were associated with higher mortality. Testosterone, IGF-1, DHEAS, and demographic factors were evaluated in 410 men age 65 and older enrolled in the Aging in the Chianti Area Study.The men were divided into four groups: no hormone in the lowest reference quartile, and 1, 2, and 3 hormones in the lowest quartiles. Compared with men having levels of all 3 hormones above the lowest quartiles, having 1, 2, and 3 deficient hormones was associated with hazard ratios for mortality of 1.47, 1.85, and 2.29.

This means that men deficient in 3 hormones were more than two and one-quarter times more likely to die. The scientists concluded that age associated decline in hormone levels is a strong independent predictor of mortality in older men. Having multiple hormone deficiencies is a reliable biomarker of health status in older men.

This study is from the November, 2007 Archives of Internal Medicine.Hormonally deficient men with chronic heart failure have the poorest prognosisIn men with chronic heart failure, hormone depletion is common. A deficiency of each hormone is an independent marker of poor prognosis according to a study at the Military Hospital of Wroclaw, Poland. Serum levels of total testosterone, DHEAS, and IGF-1 were obtained from 208 men with chronic heart failure who were hospitalized or treated as outpatients, and from a reference population of 366 men free of chronic disease.Deficiencies in DHEAS, total and unbound testosterone, and IGF-1, defined as serum levels at or below the 10th percentile of healthy peers, were seen across all age categories of men with chronic heart failure. DHEAS deficiency correlated positively with left ventricular disturbance. Testosterone measures and IGF-1 levels were prognostic biomarkers. Men with chronic heart failure and normal levels of all hormones had the best 3 year survival rate (83 percent) compared to those with 1 hormone deficiency (74 percent survival rate), 2 hormone deficiencies (55 percent survival rate), and 3 hormone deficiencies (27 percent) survival rate.

This study is from the October 24, 2006 edition of Circulation.It really doesn't have to be this wayWe were not made to live so long. Before the advent of technology people routinely died somewhere around age 40 to 45. This was long enough to fulfill the biological imperative of reproduction. Once children were born and able to somewhat fend for themselves, hormonal levels decreased. And with these decreases went the protection from degenerative diseases that hormones provide. Very seldom does one hormone decline in isolation. Hormones need to be in balance for good health, and when one hormone declines the balance is thrown out of kilter. Stress is placed on the body to compensate and that stress throws the other hormones out of balance. Multiple hormone deficiencies are common in people past the age of 40.All the diseases we take for granted as being inevitable parts of the aging process are frequently just manifestations of hormonal decline. High blood pressure, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, cognitive impairment, and even allergies are symptoms of hormonal insufficiency. The current epidemic of breast cancer is primarily the result of hormonal decline as is prostate cancer. Young people with full hormonal profiles rarely get any of these diseases. They begin to occur around age 40, about the time Mother Nature's use for us is over.All the organic fruits and vegetables, vitamins and mineral supplements, chemical free living, and exercise will not save people from hormone decline. It is built into us like a ticking time bomb. Our ancestors, who lived healthy lifestyles, grew their own food in their fields, got plenty of exercise and had never heard of the chemicals we now take for granted, still lost their hormones and died at young ages.People now have a way to fool Mother NatureEvery living thing seems to love being part of the cosmic dance. It will do whatever it can to protect its life, but the biological imperative remains. Once reproduction is accomplished, everything's days are numbered. Except for people. Now we are able to postpone the inevitable and continue on our merry way for a few more years if we can get nature to believe we are still able to reproduce.

This is the signal sent by replacement hormones.With the advent of bio identical hormones people separated themselves from every other living thing by their ability to prolong health and wellbeing beyond what Nature had in mind. Bio identical hormone replacement can extend the years in which our parents are able to live happy, healthy and independent lives. And as we move through our 40's and 50's, it is bio identical hormone replacement that will help us maintain our health and energy so that when the time comes we can provide the kind of quality care our parents deserve.For optimal results, bio identical hormone replacement should begin as soon as symptoms of hormonal decline are apparent. This way the body can maintain the balance needed to support all organs and functions for as long as possible. But for people who have already experienced hormonal decline, it is never too late. A body starved for hormones will respond no matter what the age of the person. Degenerative disease symptoms will regress or disappear and a better quality of life will return. Even for those experiencing the ravages of age, hormone replacement will make life better.

One of the worst symptoms of hormone decline typically found in women is the inability to sleep. Night after night, little or no sleep leads to cognitive and psychological impairment, and a miserable quality of life. Restoring hormones at any age will restore the ability to sleep. Hormone restoration helps people regain their ability to balance and walk, allowing for the freedom being mobile conveys. With restored balance comes reduction in the chance for falling and for breaking bones. In fact, the quality of bone is vastly improved by hormone replacement, as it is hormones that direct the cycle of bone construction and bone destruction so necessary for a healthy skeletal framework.Full hormone replacement increases cellular energy, elevates mood, and restores confidence and surefootedness, allowing older people more time to live independently and care for themselves. Replacement hormones allow many older people to make it through life without having to experience the dreaded degenerative diseases like cancer and heart disease.Bio-identicals are exact replicas of the hormones made in the bodyBio identical hormones have the identical molecular structure as the hormones made by the human body. Under a microscope, they cannot be distinguished from hormones made in the body. They are not the hormone replacement drugs that are behind the HRT headlines proclaiming the danger of hormone replacement.

Bio identical hormones are FDA approved, and have been proven safe in thousands of studies. They require no detoxification in the liverave no side effects in physiological doses that replicate what the body made when it was young and healthy. Bio-identicals simply make the hormonally deprived body sigh with relief.Parents deserve a doctor who specializes in anti-aging medicine

With the exception of progesterone, which is sold over the counter in health stores, a prescription is needed for bioidenticals bought in the U.S. Most traditional doctors who practice standard disease establishment medicine have never heard of bioidentical hormones because they get all their information about what to prescribe from drug company representatives. If they have heard of bioidenticals they will probably tell you not to use them because they are not drugs. This is slowly changing as drug companies realize there is money to be made from manufacturing bioidenticals, but it will be awhile before the average doctor has any useful knowledge about bioidenticals.People wanting bioidenticals for their parents or themselves will be best served by finding a doctor who specializes in anti-aging medicine. Most major cities have several of these specialists who have the know-how to use bioidentical hormones to make the remaining years of parents the best they can be. Medium sized cities most likely have at least one such doctor. Anti-aging medicine is the fastest growing field of medicine. Some OB/GYN doctors have also successfully branched out into bioidentical hormone replacement. It is not always easy to find these people, since most disease establishment doctors do not make referrals to them. It may take some calling around to find them, but they are there. The book Breakthrough, contains a series of interviews conducted with top anti-aging doctors complied by Suzanne Somers. It offers a wealth of information on bioidentical hormone replacement as does Suzanne's earlier book, Ageless. Breakthough has a state by state listing of anti-aging doctors. Another way to find them is to call the compounding pharmacy in your city and ask who they recommend. Bioidentical hormones are made in compounding pharmacies and the people there will know who is highly qualified.Bioidenticals are part of a whole health regimen

As wonderful as bioidenticals are, they cannot do it all without help. Bioidenticals provide the foundation for extended good health. On that foundation must be added top notch nutrition, appropriate exercise, and maintaining a purpose for living. If you live in South Florida and want 2 real experts in this anti-aging medical field call Dr. Cabanellas M.D. and Dr. Sosna N.D. For more information call 760-481-8800

Natural Medicine a Growing Trend for Good Health

Natural Medicine a Growing Trend toward Good Health
Lawrence Sosna N.D. PhD HHP

Can you get me off my medications? The first question people usually ask me when they learn I am a Naturopathic Doctor is... can you get me off my medications? Truly, the question in and of itself is proof of the common average persons connection to nature and natures wisdom. I am not talking about people well versed in Alternative Medicine; this question is posed over and over again by the same hard working folks who have been constantly exposed to the 1.2 trillion dollar a year big Pharmaceutical propaganda machine. They have been herded through the medical system since childhood and now find themselves as adults taking pills and medications and some vast inner wisdom is causing them to ask the question how can I get off these medications? People may not know what it is they need instead of medications, but there is a growing generalized discomfort about taking synthetic medications with many ill side effects. This is causing a shift in the way the average American is feeling and thinking about the health care system and how they are stuck in it.

I want to urge you not to paper over illness but instead finally solve your problems with the infinite empowerments which can only be found in nature. Preventing illness should be our national goal and our personal goal, for without the vitality and energy of good health nothing else we want is possible! You can’t make that million dollars or climb the mountain of whatever your dream is without the vitality and abundance of natural energy which only excellent health can give you.

To better illustrate my point, recently President Bill Clinton needed emergency stents put into his clogged coronary arteries to open them back up so he would not have a fatal heart attack. Let me remind you it was just several years ago he had a triple bypass to replace his clogged arteries of the heart.... The point is, his treatments do not really work! And Bill Clinton is a former President! If it had worked he would not have needed emergency stents put in and I will predict he will face the same un-necessary life threatening situation within 5 more years.

Here is a better more elegant and safe way of fixing President Clintons clogged artery problems so he would not need any further surgery or invasive stents.
First, I would highly recommend pure Medical Grade Alpha Lipoic Acid. ALP is sometimes called the universal anti-oxidant because it is both water and fat soluble. This is of extreme importance for several reasons. It stops fats in the heart from peri-oxidation. If the hard sticky type fats like LDL cannot oxidize they cannot stick together and form a clot, this much is simple biochemistry and has been known for 30 years. 600 to 800 times more powerful an anti-oxidant then vitamin C, Alpha Lipoic Acid is all natural and can protect cells and tissues in places where cells are watery and where they contain fat, that covers 99% of the human body.
The Harvard Study Group has stated that inflammation of the hearts arteries is always part of the clot process whereby an artery gets blocked and a heart attack occurs. Alpha Lipoic Acid is so powerful an anti-inflammatory agent it cannot only prevent artery inflammation but it can also reverse it even if it’s been there for a long time and that really is good news we should all be sharing with our friends because the Industrial Medical System of AMA and big Pharma sure as heck is not going to.

Now let’s add another very potent empowerment, Medical Grade Cold water Fish Oil, the heart healthy life giving, Omega-3 oils, they are the ultra protective HDL friendly fats that have the ability to take the harmful hard sticky fats and break them down and melt them away. Millions of Eskimos are living proof. Despite the fact that they eat a diet of roughly 85% fat, such as whale blubber and seal blubber they also eat a lot of fresh cold water salmon. The oil from the salmon acts like a natural solvent, in that in breaks the hard fats down and it also acts as a super lubricant not allowing cholesterols and sticky blood platelets stick to the arteries walls. In fact, even though medical scientists have been studying Eskimos for 30 years to find out why they do not get heart attacks the only indicator for such total heart protection has been determined to come from the cold water fish oil and not some genetic protection.
The reason we know this is when Eskimos move to the lower 48 states and start to eat the typical American diet leaving out the Cold water salmon their heart risk for having a heart attack goes from virtually 100% protection to the same mean average as the typical American for their age group.
It is extremely important to note that fish oil supplements are not all good for you, they are not created equally and you need to know about how the science of extraction is done to know if you are hurting yourself, potentially killing yourself or vastly helping to ensure a lifetime of a healthy heart. Let me give you a few examples. If cold water fish oil has been extracted the way most companies do it you will be exposed to cancer causing chemical solvents, industrial solvents are often used to extract the oil from the fish... then unbeknown to you...thinking you are helping your heart, in truth you are being exposed to cancer causing heavy metal toxins and industrial solvents which cause constant daily inflammation of the cells and tissues and will eventually cause a disease.

That is why one of
The Missions of this Blog is to bring you the most safe and effective natural supplements and Nutraceuticals made by the best Biotechnology companies in the world. I have spent over 30 years searching to find these few companies you can trust with your life.

The other mission of this blog is to provide a true online support group for healthy living and to bring together the best most up to date cutting edge information possible! My purpose in this life is to serve you and your best health interests as fairly as is humanly possible!
I do not expect to make a million dollars from this blog but I do plan on giving away many millions of dollars worth of life sustaining and life enhancing good health. My programs are priced so even the poor can take advantage of many free secretes to a life filled with grace, ease of being and a natural flow of empowerments to extend life and more importantly give you the best quality of life possible. That is my commitment to you and to me.
The question is can you find a place within yourself to commit to your excellent good health? If yes, you will find that I may be the Life Coach you have always desired...because together the WE is much more powerful then the ME.
Getting back to an example of one of my life programs for near perfect quantum health... the next thing I like to have in an empowered healthy Cardiovascular healthy heart system is Ayur Guggle Lipid. This superstar plant has been used for over 4000 years in India. The leaves of this plant are so full of good natural resins that when taken throughout the day and before bedtime the bad LDL super clogging fats stick to the resin of the Guggle plant and are dragged out of your body each day with your daily bowel movement...thereby lowering your bad cholesterol fraction by up to 45% that is a massive blessing to your heart and it is completely safe.
Aspirin! I will have an entire research article on the incredible gift which aspirin can be if taken the correct way. A natural blood thinner, and originally from the White Willow bark of the same tree...Aspirin taken correctly, with a big meal and an ADULT full single dose at dinner can reduce the risk of heart attack by 70% Taken properly, you will have no problems with your stomach bleeding from aspirin.

Once again I strongly believe that if President Clinton was on my reverse clogged heart artery program he would never again need any invasive surgical procedures.
At any rate that gives you a very small glimpse into what I can do with all natural Medical Grade Nutraceuticals from plants and I have a program for any other health challenge you can think of. When you read the short article How it Works! You will know how to get started on one of my programs with direct support from me and ongoing Life Health Coaching through phone consultations, emails, and special alerts.

All my best, Lawrence S. Sosna N.D. PhD HHP